
Accessibility standards help Web content developers identify and address accessibility issues.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) ( from the W3C was the first major effort to establish guidelines for accessible design. The standard consists of fourteen guidelines, each with three checkpoint levels for Web developers to meet. Priority One checkpoints ensure that the page itself is accessible. Priority Two checkpoints ensure that certain groups will be able to access information on the Web page. Priority 3 checkpoints ensure that all content on the page is completely accessible.

We have made an effort to meet Priority 1 and Priority 2 for every website developed and maintained by IPC.

Access Keys

Access keys enable a user to jump to specific links within a document by using certain key combinations. Windows users can use Alt + Access key and Macintosh users can use Control + Access Key. The following access keys are used throughout

  • Access Key 1 – Home
  • Access Key 2 – Education Centre
  • Access Key 3 – Contact Us
  • Access Key 4 – Search
  • Access Key 5 – Privacy Policy

Standards compliance

This site is built using XHTML for markup and CSS for presentation. We suggest using a modern web browser to fully experience this site, but we have tried to make it accessible in older browsers and alternative devices such as handhelds.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this site, please let us know.